Don't Flush Cat Poop Down Your Toilet - Preserve Your Home's Plumbing System

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Can You Flush Cat Poop Down The Toilet?


As cat owners, it's essential to be mindful of how we dispose of our feline close friends' waste. While it may seem convenient to flush pet cat poop down the commode, this practice can have destructive effects for both the atmosphere and human wellness.

Environmental Impact

Purging cat poop introduces hazardous virus and parasites right into the water system, posturing a significant risk to marine ecological communities. These impurities can negatively affect marine life and compromise water high quality.

Health Risks

Along with ecological concerns, purging feline waste can also position health and wellness threats to people. Cat feces may contain Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that can create toxoplasmosis-- a possibly severe ailment, specifically for pregnant women and individuals with damaged body immune systems.

Alternatives to Flushing

Fortunately, there are more secure and extra accountable methods to get rid of cat poop. Think about the complying with choices:

1. Scoop and Dispose in Trash

One of the most usual approach of dealing with cat poop is to scoop it right into a biodegradable bag and toss it in the garbage. Be sure to utilize a committed clutter scoop and take care of the waste promptly.

2. Usage Biodegradable Litter

Go with naturally degradable feline trash made from products such as corn or wheat. These trashes are eco-friendly and can be safely taken care of in the trash.

3. Bury in the Yard

If you have a backyard, take into consideration burying feline waste in a designated area far from vegetable gardens and water resources. Make sure to dig deep adequate to avoid contamination of groundwater.

4. Mount a Pet Waste Disposal System

Invest in a pet dog waste disposal system particularly designed for feline waste. These systems utilize enzymes to break down the waste, decreasing odor and ecological impact.


Liable pet possession expands past offering food and shelter-- it also involves proper waste administration. By refraining from flushing pet cat poop down the commode and opting for alternate disposal approaches, we can decrease our environmental impact and secure human wellness.

Can You Flush Cat Litter Down the Toilet?

It’s a common question from feline owners: Is cat litter flushable? And can you flush cat poop without litter? While sending litter and cat poop down the toilet may be tempting, it's not a good idea and can lead to plumbing blockages.

The truth is that even cat litter that’s marketed as plumbing-safe can cause problems.

At Benjamin Franklin Plumbing, we’re dedicated to helping our customers keep their home plumbing in optimal working condition, so it's essential that you know that cat litter and cat poop should never be flushed.

Can You Flush Kitty Litter?

While it may go down the toilet, the plumbing blockages will likely come later, and you may end up dealing with a plumbing emergency. There are several types of cat litter on the market – from clay and silica gel to paper litter – and none are plumbing-safe.

Is Flushable Cat Litter Safe for Plumbing?

Some brands claim to offer a safe, flushable litter that doesn’t cause the same issues as flushing standard cat litter. But is flushable cat litter really flushable?

These litters are typically made from biodegradable products like corn, wheat, paper, or wood. Although cat litter marketed as “flushable” may be better for the planet, putting any cat litter in the toilet is not the best for your plumbing system.

Flushing litter is especially risky for homes with older pipes, but even newer pipes struggle with the litter load. It’s not just your plumbing pipes. Today's toilets flush with less water, which makes flushing litter even more problematic. Also, septic tank systems are not designed to accept and break down cat litter materials.

In addition to clogs, litter is abrasive and can cause damage to the plumbing pipes.

Why You Shouldn’t Flush Cat Poop Either

Maybe you’ve tried separating the cat’s business from the litter, so the only thing going down the toilet is cat poop. Still not okay. Cat poop often contains an organism called Toxoplasma gondii, which makes flushing it a public health hazard. This organism is harmful to sea animals when it washes into the ocean and dangerous to humans, especially pregnant women, babies, and people with compromised immune systems.

This is also why you should always wear protective gloves when handling cat feces and litter.

When it comes to your plumbing and health, taking a no-flush approach to cat litter and cat poop is imperative. No matter how convincing a flushable cat litter brand’s marketing is, now you know the truth and can prevent clogs, damaged plumbing, and health risks.

Don't flush cat feces down the toilet

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